Please browse the projects at your leisure. If you "buy" any of my ideas, feel free to reach out to me at

How do consumers beliefs about their bodies impact consumption?

$$ in progress

How do the motivations underlying health versus wellness consumption differ?

$$ in progress

How does the inner experience of mind-wandering impact consumption?

$$$ in preparation

How does the content and organization of thoughts about Social Security claiming affect when people claim? How can we use consumer thoughts to guide later claiming?

$$ in progress

How do we consume based on perception of time and relatedly, frequency of mind wandering?

$ ideas are cheap

What can we predict about behavior from the content of people's fantasies?

$ ideas are cheap

I'm a 3rd year consumer behavior PhD student at Columbia Business School. I'm interested in answering the big questions of life, and helping others do so as well. What's going on in our minds? What makes us happy? How can we work hard and spend our money on the right things? Through my research I hope to help others to choose and consume better for their health and wellness. I'm also a National Board certifiied Health and Wellness Coach and hope to one day soon develop curriculum or programming in how to consume for holistic well-being.

Daniel Russman CV.docx